Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Boris 2.0!

How about some distraction from the sad passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the Republican Party’s distasteful glee in anticipation of transforming SCOTUS into a 6-3 conservative majority? Perhaps a little light reading? 

Let’s take a look at the other side of the pond to see how they’re faring!

Check out hilarious Guardian Opinion piece (Weblink below) by Marina Hyde comparing UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to a “Thames whale stranded at Westminster” - an insult to whales? 

English Lit majors will be delighted by Marina’s references to no less than three Shakespearean plays: HamletThe Merry Wives of Windsor, Henry V, maybe even Henry IV!  

The UK as a Cautionary Tale

I named this blog Boris 2.0 because I did a BoJo story way back in 2016 (Weblink below) at the time of the disastrous Brexit vote. The question I raised then must be asked again: how could an apparently sane population like that of the UK take leave of its senses, not once but twice? Perhaps this should be mandatory study for history students. 

The UK’s bouts with insanity took place when they voted for Brexit and when they doubled down and elected the Tories with Johnson as the party’s fearless leader. As a cautionary tale, it has few parallels (besides the US, of course, and perhaps India!)

Outright Lies

As a journalist, BoJo wrote outright lies and “Euromyths” to further his career. As Mayor, he delegated responsibilities to others, whilst he engaged in expensive vanity projects. 

I remember what a huge fuss the WB/IFC made about him at the annual conferences organised with the Financial Times. He was this rotund, jokey, prankish, bicycle-riding London Mayor, so refreshing, so accessible, so not hoity-toity! 

But, as Foreign Secretary, things began to unravel! Many in government were alarmed! He was a liability and a security risk, they feared. 

As Prime Minister, however, he is usually considered the worst man for the job at the worst possible time! 

Also, anyone who says he can’t live on 150 grand a year deserves a slap or two! (As they say in India: “I’ll give you two slaps!”)

Sense of Entitlement 

Like Falstaff in The Merry Wives of Windsor, Johnson’s sense of entitlement (beyond what he regards as his god-given right to be PM) extends to an unwavering belief that he’s entitled to do as little as possible and, when things go wrong, to blame the British public!

His ambition to be PM is a lesson for all those who fell for his japes, empty charms, and (to borrow a Marina term), his “WTF-ery!” 

He never had the work ethic and discipline for the top job. He wanted to “become” PM, more than "be" PM! (Sounds familiar to us Stateside, doesn’t it?) 

I wonder if there is a degree of malice behind the bumbling Falstaffian “jolly chap” facade. Was the geniality he liked to project as Mayor a cover for a ruthless political operator? 


No deal Brexit

He seems ready to inflict serious damage on the country by adding “no deal Brexit” to the carnage of the pandemic. An abrupt exit from the EU could bring real shortages of food, fuel, and medicine.

Is Brexit unsolvable? Are we looking at the dissolution of the UK in this decade? Will Ireland unite? Will Scotland depart?

Admirer of Greek Classics 

As an admirer of Ancient Greece, BoJo - they say - is a huge fan of Greek tragedy and embodies Tantalus, Narcissus, and Sisyphus!

If you remember your Greek myth, Tantalus was made to stand in a pool of water under a low-hanging fruit tree with both the fruit and the water forever evading his grasp! 

Sisyphus was forced to eternally roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll down every time it reached the top! 

And Narcissus, obsessed with his own image reflected in a pool of water, died of unrequited love for himself!  

The similarities to BoJo are stunning: an out-of-his-depth ditherer operating in his own amoral bubble, ruined by his hubris at a time of national crisis!  

2020 as an Epoch-Defining Decade 

If you think 2020 is a stinker (the pandemic, monstrous forest fires, gigantic ice shelves melting in Antarctica), wait and see! It is the opening salvo to what could be an epoch-defining decade with more catastrophe to come!  

So, folks, look for more BoJo shenanigans! They’re a break from the humdrum and the banal! If it weren’t so tragic, it might even be funny!  

Clown or Villain?

In the article, Marina wonders if Johnson can “move from history back to comedy.” Sure he can! Boris doesn't do serious; for him, everything is a “bit of a laff,” to quote comedian Ricky Gervais! 

With all the scheming and backstabbing he did to get to the top, I’m wondering if Richard III may be a better comparison than Falstaff? Nah! I prefer the bumbling fool to the debased villain!  

Ludi Joseph

Washington, D.C.

September 22, 2020

Guardian Opinion by Marina Hyde, September 22, 2020: 

Like a Thames whale, Boris Johnson has got stranded at Westminster


  1. Kannan, Bangalore, India, September 23, 2020:

    My compliments! Well done! Enjoyed reading your highly literary piece on the clownishly villainous BoJo!

    The reference to Narcissism is most apt. Maybe, you can throw in Machiavellianism and Psychopathy to complete the Dark Triad?

    With close to four more years to go, BoJo is far from done! Well-wishers of the UK, beware!

    1. Thanks Kannan for your comments! Glad you enjoyed it!

      Excellent point about Machiavellianism and Psychopathy completing the Dark Triad!

      One wonders if he is really that devious or a real Bozo! Is his adviser, Dominic Cummings, the actual villain - the Svengali or even the Iago? The jury may be out on that!

      But you’re right! He could do way worse harm in four more years unless the Tories ditch him at the first opportunity they get!

  2. Carmen Powell, London, September 23, 2020:

    Hi Ludi,

    Excellent portrait of BJ. However it is not a laugh for the general public to have someone like him in charge of the country. Very sad.

    Take care.

    1. Thanks Carmen!

      I was going for irony and literary (Shakespearean) comparisons!

      Yes, of course, it’s not funny for the UK public to have BJ in charge! It’s tragic, as I said. Same in the US.

      We have another clown here who does daily damage to U.S. institutions and whose deliberate mishandling of Covid is probably responsible for actual deaths!

  3. Great, blog, Ludi! Thanks.
    Now, the Western World centers around the "Pond", and on two sides of the "Pond", are these TWO (Ludi, please NAME the other one - YOU are the pundit of Western culture, history, literature, and what-not). I truly wonder, just like anything else in the Western World, are these GOD's GIFTs, too? And if so, what does it mean for the Western World that the TWO CAME DOWN at the same time, more or less???!!!

    1. Thanks Mati for your comments! Glad you enjoyed the blog!

      Yes, it is quite an enigma that the two villains on either side of the pond were inflicted on us - the great unwashed - at the exact same point in history! What could it mean? Divine punishment perhaps? Karma?

  4. Leslie Joseph, Cranford, NJ, September 23, 2020:

    Excellent piece, Ludi... you write better than Marina!

    1. Thank you! I wouldn’t go that far, but bien merci, all the same!

  5. Trish Dew, Washington, DC, September 29, 2020:

    Loved your blog! I’m always entertained by your posts. Even more, I always come away more knowledgeable, even if it is a topic I’m familiar with! I look forward to finding them in my mail box.

    1. Trish,

      Thank you for that comment! What a nice thing to say! I promise to keep writing more!

  6. Angela Bennet, Sydney, October 1, 2020:

    Have just been re-reading your entertaining blog on Boris Johnson. Your comment on the insanity of the British public voting for him reminds me of Australians voting for our former PM Tony Abbott, the guy who - when visiting a farm - ate a raw onion, skin and all on camera! He also awarded Prince Philip with a knighthood! Beyond bizarre! What did we ever do to deserve these leaders!

    1. Angela,
      Thanks for your comments! Yes, I had heard that about former Aussie PM, Tony Abbott! As you say, “beyond bizarre!”
